
Greetings to all from Missionary David Cox!

After having tried a great many different sites and forms for making a website and keeping in touch with different people, especially my financial supporters, I am finally settling down to using WordPress. According to things I have read, WordPress Blogs are favored in the search engines as far as registering the pages and sites, so that means if you type in “David Cox” Missionary or “David Cox” Mexico, I should be in the first pages.

Purpose of this blog.

My purpose is make an outlet for my communications and writings to the world. Actually it is very difficult to keep up and in contact with people these days. I am finding emails as being very unfriendly, because my emails are being blocked (coming from another country not the USA). So at least with something like this, you know where to go to find information about me. I am also translating my sermons, tracts, and books into English so that people can see at least part of what we are doing.

My old site www.davidcox.com.mx

I am having some problems with that site, and it has been pointed out to me that the Internet and the search engines, etc. are not setup to handle a bilingual site. Searching and other things get very confused in a bilingual site like the one I originally made. Also there are other problems that I won’t go into, but basically, I am going to move all the English things from that site to this one. I am also wanting to move my libraries and other things into another site which has a built in seach capability (thus WordPress). So as I move my stuff over, please be patient.

David Cox

P.S. I have google ads so that I can generate a little income from people clicking on these ads so that this will pay for my Internet expenses of having this website and others. I do not endorse these ads except to all Google to post to my pages for this purpose. Note that I cannot control the content of these ads except in a general way (for example, no alcohol ads), so please do not think that I am endorsing everything that appears through them. If they get to be too much of a problem then I will remove them altogether.

7 thoughts on “About”

  1. Dear Brother In Christ,

    Can you offer guidance in intepreting 2 Cor. 6:14-17.

    Does it mean that if I’m invited by my Aunt to my cousin’s wedding reception I shouldn’t go? I wouldn’t attend the religious ceremony but I would go to the reception as an opportunity to evangelize any one I might meet there.

    Waiting for your reply. God Bless you!

  2. I think that 2 Cor 6:14-17 is talking more about formal relationships than casual social contacts. In other words, I would not go to a Catholic church for a wedding ceremony, but perhaps I would attend a meal or reception afterwards. That has been our policy here in Mexico, and there have been a half dozen occasions where we were invited. I would also clarify that I tell our friends that invite to these things that we as Christians (1) don’t drink, and (2) we don’t dance. Therefore, I will go to the reception or meal afterwards, but as soon as they start dancing or bringing out the alcohol, don’t get offended when we get up and leave. Then I ask them if they still want us to come. We wish them well, and that is what matters, not that we get drunk or act like fools dancing in front of everybody. I feel our testimony to Christ is more important than keeping friendships high with the unsaved, or with carnal Christians.

  3. Dear Brother in Christ,

    Thank you for your frank & realistic advice. It’s good to hear how our testimony should be practical & not legalistic. Also, thank you for answering so soon.

    God bless you!

  4. Hi David,

    Doug Hughes & I are sitting here. How are things going? We pray that they are ok. Will be in touch from time to time. Tell the family we miss you all. God Bless. Irv

    • Hi Irv, we are preparing for a visit to the US. It is Saturday, and Tule had the women’s prayer breakfast today (the men’s was yesterday). We are doing fine!

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