Pragmatics, Immigration, and Democrats

What causes Mexico to be dangerous?

Pragmatics, Immigration, and Democrats explains some background understanding about Latino immigrates and their pragmaticism, and how this interacts with the Democratic Party give-aways. In our previous post, we looked at how dangerous Mexico is, and we examined the cartel aspect of life in Mexico. Now we want to turn to the philosophical reasons behind this phenomenon. Why are these people like this?

This article was originally written on June 1, 2017.

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Our Spanish Tract Ministry Statistics

stats 2020

Our Spanish Tract Ministry Statistics page gives you an overview of the effect our Spanish tract ministry has had. In 2019 we printed, folded, and distributed 60,000 of my tracts on the streets around our church. This page has graphics from my server for this website. I just did a screen capture and am sharing those with you.

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Fix WordPress Error

Fix Wordpress Error

Fix WordPress Error is an article about “my experience” in fixing WordPress software problems on a website. This is a help to those who have, use, or maintain WordPress websites. I will change and add to this post over time, so please check back.

Note: This post comes from years of working with 30+ WordPress websites that I own. I am not responsible if you goof up your website. Use this advice at your own risk.

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Why you should never trust a politician

Why you should never trust a politician

Why you should never trust a politician explains how I understand the fiber and essence of politicians. Why you should never trust a politician explains how politics work and how politicians work and think. Why you should never trust a politician

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