Pragmatics, Immigration, and Democrats explains some background understanding about Latino immigrates and their pragmaticism, and how this interacts with the Democratic Party give-aways. In our previous post, we looked at how dangerous Mexico is, and we examined the cartel aspect of life in Mexico. Now we want to turn to the philosophical reasons behind this phenomenon. Why are these people like this?
This article was originally written on June 1, 2017.
Worshipping the God of Pragmatism
At the bottom of all of this is pragmatism. A lifestyle and firmly held belief in pragmatism. Pragmatism is simply believing in and following whatever path would appear to work for you at the moment.
A Mexican cannot make ends meet in a small village in rural Mexico. He packs a few things and goes to the border, thinking he can sneak across. He tries and gets caught and turned back. He then seeks the help of a coyote, promising to pay a great amount of money over the next few years. “Okay sure. But I don’t have that money now.” “No problem, we will trust your word.” The Mexican is chuckling because once in the US, he will “disappear”, and they will never find me. When he missed three months of payments, his wife calls him and tells him that some men came into their house, beat her up, raped her, and threatened to kill them all. She is with the kids at her mother and father’s house. Then it dawns on him, that is why they asked for all my family member’s information. “No. I told them who you were, and your parents and my parents. They are all in danger.” So he starts paying the cartel.
This is the way a Mexican mind works. If a Mexican man gets in trouble with the law in the US, he picks up and moves two states over, and the same people (the cartel) that got him his fake US ID, he goes to again to get a new name and ID and Social Security card.
Whatever “works” as per the person’s understanding at the moment, that is what he or she will do. If you can get across the border, rent a house, get a job, and it works at that level, it is morally okay to do. If lying is necessary to make something work, they will do it. If falsifying documents is needed, they will do it.
Articles on Mexican-USA relations and interactivity
- Tancredo: You Think Russia Tries to Influence American Politics …
- Mexico says migration crackdown working ahead of key talks with US
- DHS Chief: Caravan Migrants Must Seek Asylum in Mexico
- Mexico Offers 4K Jobs to Honduran Caravan Migrants
- Trump Campaign: Democrats Give Housing to Illegal Migrants …
- Washington Post Poll: Hispanics Are the Strongest Opponents of Immigration
- Nolte: Left Panics over Hispanic Support for Trump
Where does all of this stop? Only when the law enters in and stops things from “working” will they really change what they are doing, but their religion of pragmatism survives well and healthy. Why did the Mexicans stop using food stamps when Trump took over? Because it was mentioned that he would cross food stamps with other databases, and that would be used to find illegal immigrants. The food stamps “stopped working” at that point, and the entire en masse illegal immigrant population abandoned it for the most part.
In other words, when there IS A RULE OF LAW, pragmatism doesn’t “work” anymore, and people abandon it. Why did/still does Hillary Clinton use her charitable organization to receive donations without paying taxes on it but spends its money on luxury items for the Clinton family? Because it works. When the AG of the US is looking into charging her, they now abandon and shut down that thing because IT NO LONGER WORKS for them.
Why does the Democratic party insist on 50 years of free give-aways to blacks and minorities? Because it worked in keeping them in power. Now that the blacks have turned against the Democrats, they have little interest in pursuing them as a cherished supporter base and are turning to illegal immigrants instead. It is actually sad but yet funny to see the Black left-overs of the Democratic party flailing about without power, without privileged position within the party anymore, and neither Democrats nor Republicans, nor their black voter base are paying any attention to them, and they are screaming like crazy.
What is happening politically with the Latin Population in the US?
The truth of the matter is that the “Latino population” is really a diverse set of people, each in competition one with the other. In some cases, Spanish speaking people from one country really hate Spanish speaking people from another country. There is cultural hatred, and there is competition for labor positions in the US, and even both getting a job in a company, the English speaking bosses don’t understand why or how one Latino will betray and fight against another Latino.
Among this soup of cultures, comes Latino people from Cuba that enjoyed the “old Cuba” before the rebellion, and they and their children (now grown-up) have fled to the US to get out from under Communism. So while many Latinos have a distinct attraction to the giveaway programs of the Democratic Party, these from Cuba hate socialism and worse Communism. They oppose the Democrats on principle.
- Bay of Pigs Veterans: We Awarded Trump for Fighting Totalitarian Regimes
- Mike Pence Hits Democrats Over Socialism at Miami Latino Launch
- Latinos for Trump Break Out in ‘Build the Wall’ Chant at Pence’s Miami Event
- Ricky Martin Attacks Latinos for Trump: Seeing Their Support Is scary
- ‘Voice of Hispanic America’ Salinas: Many Latinos ‘Buying’ Trump’s Arguments Against Illegal Immigration
- Latinos Among Bay Area Trump Supporters Heading to Inauguration
- ‘Latinas for Trump’ Founder: Anti-Trump People Have Been Fed ‘Load of Bull’
- Trump Makes Inroads in Hispanic Texas Border Counties
To understand the Mexican and Latino population in the US, you need to understand that all of them are fighting for some economic security, but the difference can be night and day between two Latino people. One may love the Democratic give-aways, and the other may love Trump and the Republicans, and be against opening the borders. The idea is, “I got in, and I am safe with a Green Card, so shut down the entrance of more illegal cheap labor.”
The Truth is different from Pragmatism
Pragmatism takes a low view of eternal and spiritual things. Basically, it denies the existence of God and any rules or principles that God may impose on humans. If you examine the point, is it okay to steal for my benefit? A pragmatist will say yes it is wrong to steal if a policeman is standing by and will take you to jail if you steal. If you can steal and get away with it, then it is okay. This is situational ethics, in that if the situation is such that you see no immediate danger to yourself, it is okay to do a thing.
A Christian looks at stealing in a different way. Whether I can “get away with it” or not in the short run, in the long term, I have to answer to God for my actions, and I cannot “get away with it” before God’s justice, so it is better that I do not steal.
There is a moral, ethical principle that overrules what is advantageous to a person at the moment or not. Whether it “works” in the immediate short term or not, the moral principle involved forces a person to make a judgment call for or against a thing based on spiritual principle learned from God in God’s Word the Bible. Conscience also comes into play here, and many untaught people (untaught in God’s Word) still have a God-given conscience and likewise, have God’s principles instilled in them that a thing is wrong so don’t do it, or “this is what I SHOULD DO”.
Pragmatic people are lazy people who do not want to do “all the work involved” in learning the moral principles of God, and worse, reordering their life under those principles. Here we blame Catholicism which in itself is based on the foundation of doing what is pragmatic at the moment. Catholicism doesn’t teach morality to their people, but adherence to the Catholic system.
Repercussions for United States Americans
In the issue of what is the function of government, most Americans have given up any sense of the issue. They see government as a “sugar daddy” that is supposed to give them everything they need in order to live well, and in the process, they give up control of their own lives in the process. This is disturbing and undermines our whole country and what it was founded on.
This is the basic difference between a Republican viewpoint and a Democrat viewpoint. The Democrats are the party of the government giveaways, with tax the rich and productive people in our society to give away things (with the Democratic label on it so these recipients vote Democrat next election, no matter whether the people actually paying the bill for it is Democratic or Republican). While the Democrats think nothing of their actions today, nor tomorrow, they incur great debts, in order to live well today. Republicans want a balanced budget and to reduce the deficit. These concepts fall right neatly into one party or the other.
I present a question. If the government gives you good things, and you are actually able to make a good lifestyle for yourself from all the free giveaways, and the same process that is involved, pragmatism, comes to bear on you against you, and other people see it more advantageous to take away your good life, then what happens?
In my younger years, I didn’t see many “rich” black people. Seems most were poor. They worked hard, and they hardly made a living at all. But when things started changing, and they started going to college and getting well-paid jobs, they “made it”. It was interesting to see Jesse Jackson’s misstep in a past election when he condemned the rich and pushed the poor should live better than the rich. He stated what he thought was the line for how much a rich person earns a year, and after that speech, his campaign kind of fell apart. His black supporters were well beyond that line of demarcation that he stated, and their reaction was, “Why should I work hard to earn something just to give a big chunk of it to lazy people who don’t want to get out and work to get ahead?” That was the beginning of the end for him.
Communism works on the same principle, take from the rich, and give to the poor. This is forced by the government, but the people running the government are excluded from those rich who have their means and accumulated riches taken from them, and they are included in the poor though they are far from being poor. They receive generously. Why is this accepted? It isn’t if it is public.

It is comical to see the Mexican government which so glibly did nothing about their population moving illegally into the United States because these people usually send a big portion of their income back to family in Mexico. The Mexican government has always lived off of oil production profits, but in recent years, these remissions (money from Mexicans in the US being wired back to Mexico) grew to be more than the oil income. Mexico even promoted this situation by giving Mexicans in the US the vote in Mexican elections, and the Mexican government promoted this.
Now that the illegals are not able to enter the US they are staying in Mexico. There is no problem for the Mexican government when these people are Mexicans, but when they are from other countries like Latin American countries or South American, or now there are a lot of Africans coming in via Mexico. These people cannot return home so they “camp out” along the border in those cities, and they have no work, no work abilities, and want the Mexican government to give them handouts like the US government is doing. No Mexico says no. So they start stealing and crime goes up. This causes a great problem for the Mexican government, and this IS A PROBLEM! So Mexico blames Trump, but Trump has nothing to do with immigration in Mexico, just the US. He is enforcing US law. So they cannot say much.
Summary and Conclusion
I think that the entire Latin population has fallen under the philosophy of pragmatism, both in the culture in general, the people in particular, and in the government especially.
This situation influences the United States. Besides having an effect on our trade and exchange with these countries, the United States begins bending their laws to fit the same pragmatic framework. There is no right to liberty, justice, or the pursuit of happiness. Whatever you may accumulate legally can be taken away from you if the government so desires at its whim.
The Bible principle is to work hard and live from what you earn from honest work. That principle is ignored and made fun of. Scamming people is the way of our culture. It is highly disagreeable to me that I cannot get a straight price in the supermarket for products. I have to enter the card system in order to get a good price. If you don’t have one of their id cards, you don’t get their best price. You have to buy one at 2 and half times the normal price to get the second one free. I know what is going on, and this is just a twisted way of doing things.
We must fight against these things with the principles of God, lived and believed in our lives as living examples of what is right. I wish that America (at least) would come to a position where it would despise anything “ill-gotten”. If somebody offers you something that is not gotten through hard, honest work, turn it down. Unfortunately, getting something for nothing is the norm in our society.
We are local church missionaries in Mexico City working to get people saved and serving our Lord. Consider donating something to us to help with our work. See Cox Donations.
More articles on Life in Mexico
- Mexico City Subway Problems Updated 2/24
- What ISIS and Mexican Cartels have in Common
- Pragmatics, Immigration, and Democrats
- Claudia Sheinbaum Mexico’s New President
- Mexican Shadow Economy
- Mexico has a new President
- Torture Common in Mexico #2
- Preliminary Reports on the Subway Failure
- Mexico to offer temporary work visas to Central American migrants
- Update on US Dollar to Peso Exchange Rate 2023