Claudia Sheinbaum Mexico’s New President some thoughts about Mexico’s new president-elect.
As a rule, I don’t like to get involved in Mexican politics. From the way I see things as a pastor and Christian, every politician is in a game of approval, and their common element (all politicians) is that they lie, and say whatever people want to hear in order to get into office, and setting aside if their propositions are right or good or not, they often totally forget what they promised and campaigned on doing to get into office. That turns me off completely, and the more I see politicians that “hit my keys” and don’t do what they said when they win, the more I dislike politics altogether.
The Messiah Syndrome
I remember reading an assigned textbook in an education course in college that was titled something like this, “The Messianic Nature of Education“. The point that the author made was very simple. People think of modern education as the solution for everything that is wrong in society. That is impossible for education to accomplish, but in the eyes of some people, that is exactly how they perceived education.
I take this one step further. Politics is now our savior. People look to politics, political parties, and politicians to solve all the world’s problems. If you are not paying attention, the crux of all people’s hopes is a better economic situation personally and individually for them is what they are looking to politicians for. Hence, this is a spiritual matter, and these people are not looking to Jesus Christ for their salvation and for help in this life, and they have another god.
López Obrador, the Morena political party, and Claudia Sheinbaum all are exactly in the middle of this. Mexico is an underdeveloped country. They are being pushed around by the abortion crowd as well as the homosexual-trans crowds. But the leaders are politicians, so they promise anything to get into power, and then they claim the opposition stopped them short of success.
The problem with our situation now, is that Morena is controlling the Mexican congress, and Sheinbaum is going to be the next president. Obrador blamed his situation on ex-president Calderon (Piña Nieto was President between Obrador and Calderon), but Obrador hates Calderon, and he pins the title of the great satan on Calderon. For everything that went wrong for Obrador, Calderon is brought up as the cause of that problem.
The problem is, Claudia Sheinbaum is going to have a lot of trouble when things go wrong for her presidency. She is basically the puppet of the puppeteer López Obrador. Calderon worked (kind of) for Obrador as his scape-goat, but he is way too far back in the past to be used now. Moreover, any complaints about the present situation by Claudia would reflect on Obrador’s “perfect presidency” image, so she is going to have a lot of problems.
The Unrest causing the Fall of the Mexican Peso
And there is great unrest and problems on the horizon. Actually, Sheinbaum has already made history here. She is one of the few or the only president that got elected and tanked the country before she was even sworn in! Unbelievable! Obrador started this mess back in April or March of this year with making legal reforms. Mexico’s legal system is different from the US. At trial, everything is written and submitted, and the judge reads both sides documents and decides, never actually giving the defendant, nor his lawyer, nor the prosecuting lawyer any presence if he doesn’t want to do so. That opens the door in a corrupt country to make decisions based on who offers the judge the most money “under the table.” It becomes an auction, and one makes one offering, the other side another, etc. I believe several years back, there was a movement to change to live trials. I do not know if it succeeded.
So Obrador made a move in Congress to change these judges to elect positions, i.e. fire all the judges in the country and open their jobs to a local election like for politicians. Whether that fixes the problems or not, I do not know. But the problem with even that proposition is that people who have no experience in law could end up as judges, not a good thing.
Obrador is a lame duck president, and he is outgoing, but he proposed this, months before stepping down (September is when Sheinbaum takes office). Why wait until the end? Because it is very unpopular and dangerous. This basically upturns the entire legal system, and it does it at the peak of popularity of Morena, meaning that the majority of these new judges will be Morena supporters. If there is election fraud by Morena, it won’t be heard in any court then.
This is what Claudia is walking into. She is a scientist, not a politician, and she seems very “not smart” for a politician. Maybe she is smart, but we will see.
Mexico is going (or already gone) Communist
It is very telling to see how palsy-walsy López Obrador is with Communist China. China has a several billion dollar investment plan to make electric cars in Mexico, then import them into the US. With NAFTA supposedly, the US has to accept cars built in Mexico. If you know anything about how China works (Belt and Road for instance), China will be sending most of the workers of these Mexican plants. The help several billion dollars spent on these factories will probably be nothing.
Recently, there were Palestinian protestors that attacked the Israel embassy in Mexico City. Are there even Palestinians in Mexico? Some postulate that Obrador promised to pressure the US to get them to drop the sanctions against Cuba using the illegal problem as money. Obrador is close to leaving, and he weakly tried once, failed, and dropped it. (Biden even offered some lame pretense that he was stopping the illegals.) So Obrador’s plan failed. But some say it was pay back from Cuba because he didn’t try hard enough. But he is in Cuba’s back pocket, and his other friend is Venezuela.
The police in Mexico are corrupt. That is just a fact of life here in Mexico. They don’t do their job, and they hassle everybody. Obrador’s answer is the new group called the National Guard. That group didn’t exist until recently, and they are a “new” group to police the country, although they are also downsizing the existing police force, and of course, the outgoing most corrupt police are taking jobs in the new National Guard. Net gain is zero. They get new uniforms is the only real change. A lot of young people just out of college are in there also, so we have yet to see what will happen there.
Obrador wants a new airport for Mexico City, so he got the military to build and run it for him. It is just 45-1 hour outside of Mexico City, but in traffic, that can be something like 3 hours drive time. The outgoing flights like to leave before 8 AM, and they want you in the airport checked in 3 hours before your flight (international, national 2 hours). So that means for an 8 AM flight (which is late if you can book such a thing) you need to be in the airport by 5 AM, and if you live on the other side of Mexico City, that is leaving the house at 2 AM. The traffic is not so back at that hour, and mostly the carjackers and thieves are out at that hour. The new airport is out in the countryside, so I doubt that there are many hotels or places around it yet.
But the thinking of Obrador is pretty much classic Communism/Socialism. He is giving away money to different groups of people (elderly, single mothers, children in school, etc.). That makes him popular. The problem is, Claudia is a scientist, and she is not popular. While we were in the heat of the pre-election activities, I asked many people who they were going to vote for. I would have estimated from that Xochil (zo-she) would have won the election by 60%, Claudia 40%. The results came back 80% Claudia, less than 20% Xochil. That doesn’t feel right. Xochil had a rally in the center of Mexico City shortly before the election, and that rally filled the city square (about 2+ football fields) and overflowed to 3 or 4 blocks in the surrounding streets. Claudia had one a few days later, which was about 3,000 people. Here, these rallies are not good grades of popularity. Obrador was famous for his an “Obrador” hate, an “Obrador” T-shirt, and a subway sandwich to everybody that shows up to his rally. The word we got was that people were selling their votes for $100 pesos on election day ($5 dollars US).
Claudia Sheinbaum Mexico’s New President
More Posts on Life in Mexico
- Mexico City Subway Problems Updated 2/24
- What ISIS and Mexican Cartels have in Common
- Pragmatics, Immigration, and Democrats
- Claudia Sheinbaum Mexico’s New President
- Mexican Shadow Economy
- Mexico has a new President
- Torture Common in Mexico #2
- Preliminary Reports on the Subway Failure
- Mexico to offer temporary work visas to Central American migrants
- Update on US Dollar to Peso Exchange Rate 2023