Raising your Missionary Support

I found this wonderful website for missionaries, http://raiseyoursupport.com/

I have no idea who put this out, but some of the suggestions are just great for missionaries.

Here are some topics from their main webpage

  •  3 Things a Donor Absolutely Must Hear from You There are 3 things that your donors need to hear from you.  They absolutely must hear these things!  And the sooner they hear them, and the more vividly and clearly the message is communicated, the better! Read more…
  •  Don’t Bring Donors a Problem … Bring a solution Many people approach donors with a “problem,” and see the donor as the solution to that problem. Turn that around.  Instead of asking your donor to be the solution to your problem, why don’t you become the solution to the donor’s problem!   Here’s how …   Read more…

  •  Forging Strong Kingdom Partnerships For many of us who raise the financial support needed to fund our ministries, it is very easy to get get caught up in a “money mindset.” I need to raise money to do the ministry, and we often see the fund raising as a necessary evil. Read more…
  •   The Nasty Habit of Ingratitude Are you possibly guilty of the nasty habit of ingratitude?  This article by a veteran missionary and fund raising trainer is a real challenge to all of us!  Read more…
  •  Why you should never ask for a “One Time” Gift Have you ever asked a potential ministry partner for a “One Time Gift?”  Read this article on why you should banish that phrase from your vocabulary! Read more…
  •  Fund Raising is No Fun! Mary dreaded opening the email when she saw who it was from and the subject line. She had been watching the family’s account slowly slipping onto the red during the last few months.  Her husband, John, kept saying not to worry.   She had insisted that he contact their supporters, but he had not done so. Read more…
  •   What is a Major Donor? Does a big gift make you a major donor? Maybe. If all we want are donors and their money, then I guess a major gift would make you a major donor. But if we want more than money and giving is about transformation and people, then big dollars are not the only standard of measurement. In Transformational Giving donors become more than ATM’s, donors become champions of the cause. If this is the case then big gifts and big champions are not necessarily equal. Read more…