Our church is having in-house services as of June 6, 2021.
After fighting with the government’s restrictions on in-building services for churches, and now the elevated subway having fallen, we finally had our first in building service yesterday. The service went well.
We had about half or less of our people, 18. Tule took the one child for their Sunday School class, about Moses.
I preached on the Trinity in both Sunday School and the Church service. I used Powerpoint on our large monitor.
Personally, I have to get used to doing this again, as all of my sermons for the last year was done being seated. Standing for 2+ hours was a bit taxing on me. I am happy that Marta Orosco was able to attend with her daughter, Mary Carmen. Marta is 90 years old. She has had a rough time of things recently. No physical health problems other than she now weighed in at around 40 pounds, which she is all bone just about. She came wrapped in her blanket.
We had a good service though. Our people are happy to be back in the building (those that came). The rest I do not know about. They don’t want to risk being contaminated by Covid. One family expressed fear that the elevated subway might fall on them while they are trying to come in. (I put that next to the excuse “My dog ate my homework.” but whatever.) As if that excuse is needed.
We did try to put it on Zoom for those who live further away. I had to use my cell phone to connect and it broke the connection about 5-6 times until I cut off the video and basically that worked. We are putting an internet connection in the church this week and see how that goes.
Prayer for our people that they would come back into the building. Also pray that our services would help people away from our city through putting it on the Internet.