Our Trip to Go to Tule’s Appointment

Our Trip to Go to Tule’s Appointment is a short update on our trip to Orlando in August 2021 for my wife’s Naturalization and immigration appointment with USCIS.

Update on Tule’s Naturalization Papers

Finally after waiting since November of last year we have gotten her next step in the process. We will be in Orlando for about 3 weeks while we take care of this. I am not all that sure about the quarantine after flying in, but we will be here about a week before and two weeks after. I have to check on the requirements for getting out of the country again.

Prayer Requests

First of all, please pray that Tule’s appointments (this one and the next one and any others if they come up) go well. Supposedly, the appointment after this one is her questions about citizenship. She is studying this online at present.

Second, please pray for our church in Mexico City as our men are taking over the preaching for me for the rest of August. As time goes on, all the quarantines and masks and all the other stuff weighs on my health. Some people in our church have disappeared because of fear of getting contaminated, and that extends to not joining us on Zoom either. They say they watch our YouTube channel for the sermons and watch them.

Third, please pray for our finances in all of this. Better our supporters themselves having financial problems (some of them) and inflation that gets transferred to us in Mexico, we continue to be stretched thin. Both Kelsie and Russ, our daughter and son, are looking for full time employment, but apparently the jobs are scarce. For minimum wage jobs, they would appear to be abundant. Both are still working their 20 hour a week jobs that they had during their studies in college. We are praying that God will give them jobs that they can sustain their own expenses.

Finally, please pray for our return trip. To be cooped up in an airplane without much option of moving around makes my legs hurt. I try to stretch them in the seat, but to no good. My glucose levels and blood pressure also don’t do so good on these travel days. When we left, I didn’t eat anything before we left, and I felt a little sick at my stomach in the waiting area. On the plane they gave me half a can of coke and 4 little cookies.

If you want a comparison between what an airplane trip was like 60 years ago and today. Watch this video on Youtube. Truly mouth watering what the service was like back then. We were more in the sardine class of seats.