Churches falling into Satan’s mindset

Churches falling into Satan’s mindset is some thoughts on how we do ministry. It is part of a work which I am working on for publishing in an ebook format. It is taken from “Satan Anthology Workbook” by David Cox. It is a commentary on Isa 14, a passage about Satan and his methodology and thinking…

I will make myself like the Most High. (Isa 14:14)

Satan expresses his purpose to overtake God. Notice the problems in Satan’s logic. If he is the greatest there is, then you do not measure that greatness by another’s greatness. You would simply say, “I am Lucifer, and I will be Lucifer.” To concede that somebody else is greater than you is to surrender your assertion of being the greatest.

Irony in Satan’s thinking

Note the irony here of what Satan says. Satan’s sin centers on his intense desire to be just like God. The key word here is “like”. He cannot become God, so at best he will be “like” God. This is a concession that he recognizes that he is not eternal, that

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