Cox Prayer Letter May 2020

This post, Cox Prayer Letter May 2020, is an update on the ministry of David and Tule Cox, missionaries in Mexico.      m:[email protected]                                   May 2020

Cox Prayer Letter May 2020


David Cox Prayer Letter May 2020
David Cox Prayer Letter May 2020

Mexico is about a month behind the US on the virus growth, so we are still growing towards the peak here. So far, none of our church members have it. But we are hearing of a lot of deaths from the Covid virus here. About half of all Mexicans in Mexico are living from day to day, and those kinds of people cannot stop working. So many of them still work their shops in the markets, get sick, and are dying. Other churches are seeing a lot of their members sick.

Our Ministry

We have stopped having services in the church building about a month ago. After the last service we had, we distributed non-perishable food baskets to our people. We have about 16 families in the church. We are having Zoom services Sundays and Wednesdays. So our group has now grown to almost 20 families. It is amazing to watch. People are scared and turning to God. Praise the Lord for that.

Preaching and working zoom, the chat room, people coming in late, and a PowerPoint presentation all at the same time is fatiguing to say the least. But I am doing it. A teen is helping me handle the Zoom part. I usually preached a sermon with a handout. Now I only use PowerPoint. While we are “far away” we also are having a lot more personal interaction so that is good. I am preaching a series on the Holy Spirit. It is so hard to preach without seeing those who are listening. That visual feedback is so important, so I tend to preach more intensely when I cannot see the people. It is very fatiguing.

While some receive retirement pensions, a lot of our people are vulnerable, because they are not working, and their employers are not giving them anything, and few have any savings. We continue to buy beans, rice, sugar, pasta, cooking oil, etc. and give to those of our members that are hurting the most. We meet in the parking lot on every other Saturday so those who wish can come and give an offering. One or two or none come usually. I would ask you pray for their spiritual wellbeing as well as their economic well being. The worse part of this is not being able to at least go out and try to find work. In our services on Zoom, I give each person in the meeting an opportunity to tell about any health problems, prayer requests, and praises. That goes for 45 minutes usually, and our people seem to like it a lot, as they all have things to say.  Edgar has a health issue, needing an operation, and he is supporting 6 in his family. A few of our people are still working. We have two families with a policeman in the family.

Prayer Requests

We are learning to work via telephone calls and zoom meetings. Please pray for us and our people. There does seem to be things in the stores to buy, but few people buying them when we go at least. Juan drives a taxi, and nobody is moving about these days so he gave it up and returned it to the owner. He couldn’t make the daily amount he has to pay the owner, much less money for himself. So he is just sitting at home. Maribel has three kids that she has to feed with no job. Her ex-husband is helping some. We have a number of single mothers in the congregation that barely got by before, so they are hurting. Please continue to pray for Tule’s sister Vitelia, which has cancer and they are not giving her treatment.

Our Health

While we do not have the corona virus thank the Lord. Both of our children are in Orlando and they are doing well, still working at home in their jobs. Russ finished his school year online. All of this is very stressing and fatiguing. Thank you for your prayers. With you praying for us, we can continue laboring for the Lord.

Please pray for us.                     David and Tule Cox Mexico

2020-05 Cox Prayer Letter May 2020
2020-05 Cox Prayer Letter May 2020
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