Cox Ministry Street Evangelism
I have tried to construct our ministry as closely to the Bible as I am able. One of the things that I feel very strongly about is that our mission is to present the Word of God, specifically the plan of salvation, the gospel, to the unsaved where they live, work, and move about. As such, we have spent the last 32 years as a missionary, and the 10 years before that in which I was participating in my local church and also in school preparing, witnessing in the streets.
For many of those years as a missionary, I went out every day witnessing except Sundays. Our evangelism ministry has been directed toward jail work, street preaching, military evangelism, nursing home evangelism, door-to-door work, followup on church visits, and many other forms of evangelism.
In our church in the field, we have tried to get our people involved in this also. We now concentrate on Saturday visitation mostly. We teach our people and take them out to the street markets and in front of the subway entrances (they have police that kicks us out if we actually enter the subway giving out any kind of literature because that is against the law). At times we hit the lines waiting for buses at specific places and that works well also. We also go door-to-door giving out literature and trying to actually explain the plan of salvation to people. I feel that the street markets and at the subway and bus entrances are our best opportunities.
When you send money to support our ministry, you are enabling us to reach many people with the gospel. According to the government reports, there are 435,000 people who use our subway line (not the whole system, just those passing by our church) EACH DAY. We don’t reach all of them, but we do try to hit some of them with a gospel tract.
Below is a photo gallery of the metro and our witnessing. Notice that the two ladies sitting outside in a wheelchair with literature is our competition, they are Jehovah’s Witnesses.
It is greatly encouraging to actually see some of the people who receive these tracts to open them and read them right there on the street. At times, people refuse to take a tract, or take one and return it to us in a few seconds, and others throw the tract on the ground. But I have also had people come back and give me the tract back saying that they are Christians, and they commend me on what I am doing. One young lady came back and gave me the tract back, and opened her jacket to show me her polo shirt with the name, Emmaus Baptist Church, and she said she was on the way to her church to do the same, go out soulwinning! Glory to God! We are not alone out here!
Jail Ministry
One of our ladies has a son about 22 that is in prison. I go and have Bible studies with him and sometimes he invites other people to join us. They don’t allow cameras inside, so this is a news photo from a newspaper. Pray for Fernando. He has a tough time of it. He decided not to join any of the gangs, and there is great pressure on him. He has made a decision for Christ, and he is struggling with everything in his life.
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